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The Reason Why Christ Is Enough: Jesus Is All We Need

Updated: Mar 14

woman standing beside cross the reason why Christ is enough

Those of faith are already aware of the reason why Christ is enough, and they are more than happy to follow Jesus' footsteps wherever it may lead.

Darlene Lorraine Gibson, author of One Woman's Testimony of a Transformed Life, knows that Jesus Christ is truly everything that we need. Her book talks about how Christ is our savior sent by God Himself. Jesus is our main way to connect with God, being that he sacrificed himself to pay the price of our sins and conquer the power of death.


Today, we'll be talking more about why Christ is everything that we need for our time here in the world.

Reason #1: He Blesses Us With Salvation


Rephrasing Ephesians 1:3 says, "Glory be to the God and Father of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, who bestowed upon us all the heavenly blessings in Christ."


Through the power of His Spirit, Christ gives us unwavering happiness, peace, freedom, and love here on earth. Not only does Jesus do that, but He also assures us that, as a reward for our salvation, we will receive an eternal heavenly inheritance.

Reason #2: He Strengthens Us as We Seek Redemption


Rephrasing Corinthians 12:8-9 says, "I prayed to the Lord three times asking him to take this from me. I will gladly boast concerning my weaknesses so that the strength of Christ may reside in me because Jesus said to me, 'My grace is enough for you, for strength is perfected in weakness.'"


Even though we are frail beings, Jesus never gets tired. We can praise Him while relying on His eternal arms and asking Him for strength.

Reason #3: He Saves Us Because He Loves Us So Much


Rephrasing Acts 4:12 says, "Furthermore, no one else can save us because no other name on earth has been given to humans by which we can be saved."


Recall that Jesus professed to be the Life, the Truth, and the Way. The only way we can make peace with our Creator is via Him. Darlene Lorraine Gibson knows of this, so she wants readers to join her in achieving a transformed life with Jesus Christ's help.


She aims to tell people the reason why Christ is enough and what it means to know that Jesus is sufficient.

Reason #4: He Provides With Grace and Everything that We Need


Rephrasing Philippians 4:19 says, "And my God will meet your every need in accordance with His riches and glories in Christ Jesus."


We are now God's people because of Jesus, and He delights in providing for us. He does this so that we can carry out His perfect purpose and exalt Himself. He always provides for our needs as we seek Him and pray to Him.

Reason #5: He Perfects Us in Front of God Thanks to the New Covenant


Rephrasing Hebrews 10:14 says, "He has made those who have been sanctified flawless for eternity with a single offering."


We no longer depend on rituals, burnt offerings, or observance of Old Testament law to make up for our transgressions. Christ's sacrifice, following the New Covenant, provides us with everlasting righteousness, making us perfect in God's eyes.

Reason #6: He Completes and Fills in the Void in Our Hearts


Rephrasing Colossians 2:9-10 says, "Because He is the head of all authority and control, and because all of Deity resides in Him in bodily form, we are made whole in Him."


Our heart's discontent and the empty feeling that formerly dominated us may be things of the past. Through Christ's atonement, we are complete again and can once again worship God, just as we were intended to.

Reason #7: He Equips Us and Empowers Us to Live


Rephrasing 2 Peter 1:3 says, "By knowing Him who summoned us to His own excellence and glory, His divine power has bestowed upon us all things related to life and godliness."


We are no longer on our own after we are saved. Jesus lovingly gives us the ability to live for Him by sending the Holy Spirit to lead the way. Our lives become holy and full when we are aware of Christ and His grace.

The Reason Why Christ Is Enough Lies in His Love and Sacrifice for Us


Sharing the reasons we've listed here are just some of the explanations for why Jesus is enough feels great. We are so happy to be able to present them to everyone. But at the end of the day, Jesus Christ's love and sacrifice alone are enough to show humanity that He is the way to God.


Purchase a copy of Woman's Testimony of a Transformed Life by Darlene Lorraine Gibson to learn more about Jesus Christ. Check out our other articles, too, and allow Christ inside you and grow via the Holy Spirit!


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